Window to Baikal Derevenka Family Hotel on the Lake Baikal
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Web Cameras

Broadcasting of images from Webcams is provided by the Baikal museum (the Irkutsk Scientific Center, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player must be installed in your browser to look video stream from Web Camera. You can download it from

Listvjanka, source of Angara river

The webcam is located on the bank of Baikal, in the building of the Baikal museum about in 2 km from Derevenka hotel.

Weather forecast:
Listvjanka, underwater Webcam

Brodcasting from underwater Webcam in Listvjanka (depth is 5 meters).

Archive of the Images

The Webcam was installed in Listvjanka in 2012. It broadcasted images of the lake at real time mode. Unfortunately, this camera was demounted in 2015, June 29. During 3 years we collected the archive of images from the camera. The archive contains above 2500 images for different seasons, times of day and lighting.

Web Camera Archive Please click the button located at the left to enter into the archive.