Window to Baikal Derevenka Family Hotel on the Lake Baikal
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Award from Afisha-Mir magazine

Russian Page
March 31, 2008

Derevenka has received the award of Afisha-Mir magazine, as one of the best Russian hotels.

We thank edition of Afisha-Mir magazine for a high estimation of our hotel and we shall try to use our best efforts to justify it.

The information

Afisha-Mir (it is translated from Russian as Poster-World) magazine is a Russian monthly about travel. There are not any geographical or thematic restrictions at magazine. Here there is everything - from news up to the reporting, from the test of creams for sunburn in Africa up to the description of new smart hotel, from designer Phillip Stark up to check on durability of sleeping bags somewhere in Amur. Each material contains lot of the practical information: how to receive the visa, how to reach a desired point on a map, in what hotel to stay, at what restaurants to eat.

Authors and editors "Afisha-Mir" do not accept compensation for favorable responses about hotels, airlines, cities, the countries and continents.

Edition "Poster - world" organizes trips of the correspondents independently. Participation of authors "Poster - world" in press rounds is supposed only if organizers agree with an independent editorial policy of magazine. Participation of correspondents of the magazine in press rounds does not guarantee occurrence of result materials in magazine.

Mentioned above rating has been published in April number of magazine (Afisha-Mir magazine, # 03(048) 2008, pp. 094-106). Ycu can these rating in Internet too (see, at Russian only).

The magazine marks our hotel on the pages at the second time. Last year Derevenka it has been included in the review "30 Russian hotels where it is pleasant to stay" (see Publications page).

May 24, 2008

The certificate of honour of "Afisha-Mir" magazine

We receive The certificate of honour of the "The Best in Russia 2008" award, the Package of the Winner and April releases of the magazine.

The certificate is awarded us as the best family hotel in Siberia in opinion of magazine. The certificate was signed by the editor-in-chief of "Afisha-Mir" magazine. The original of the certificate is placed in service house of Derevenka. You can see its copy in our site too.
